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Shuttleworth College Design Contest

Shuttleworth College Design Contest

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A couple of months ago we had the pleasure of Shuttleworth College students visiting Rapid IT and our sister company LCWS Recycling. The students were shown the IT recycling and refurbishment process as well as having a tour around our office and warehouse spaces to see what tasks different job roles entail and how everyone gets to contribute to various projects within the business. To test students’ creativity and their views on upcycling and recycling we had challenged them to create something new out of an old desktop case. From a make-up station and notice boards to wind vane, the range of different items created in the upcycling challenge surprised everyone in our team!        After a dynamic discussion with all our team members, we had chosen a winning design – an ingenious idea of a bug hotel made out of PC case. The winning student has received a £25 Amazon gift voucher as a prize. We are planning on having more challenges scheduled in the future and more school visit as the students really enjoyed the whole experience.


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